
New Head of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) department in ADONIS

Effective teamwork is now globally recognized as an essential tool for constructing a more effective and patient-centered health care system. And especially in such a sophisticated field of medicine as reproductology and ART itself. What is more that it works if this work is led by the professional, who is able to gather the people to interact dynamically, interdependently and adaptively towards a common and valued goal/objective/mission, who have been assigned specific roles or functions to perform?
Our new head of the ART department, in the ADONIS medical group of companies, is one of those people. She is an honourable doctor throughout the patients, a great teacher for other doctors, who are likely to share their own experience in different training and courses that she organizes, and a recognized scientist in the field of “obstetrics and gynecology”.

Svitlana Shyianova finished Kharkiv State Medical University, which considered to be one of the best medical schools in Ukraine. She has specialization in the direction of “Ultrasound diagnostics” followed by an internship every 5 years and specialization in the direction “Organization and management of health care” which gives her an opportunity and knowledge to run the department of ART in ADONIS. She obtained her Ph.D. in the speciality “Obstetrics and Gynecology” on the topic “Tactics of assisted reproductive technologies in women with congenital malformations of the uterus.” She is also a member of the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine (UARM), regularly visiting and perform the trainings to maintain professional knowledge, and takes part in international conferences and meetings. (More detailed information about the doctor – Shyianova Svitlana you can find over there).

The ADONIS team hopes that our new head of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) department will be happy to join our big family. And we wish her all the best in her new position.

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    IVF+EGG DONATION (1 attempt,all-inclusive)

    Package includes:

    • Analysis of patient history (the diagnostics department processes the patient’s medical records and assigns the necessary tests for further development of an individual treatment strategy);
    • Video call with a doctor after the history analysis, detailing the problems and their solutions, and preparation strategy for a positive HCG test;
    • Legal support during contract signing;
    • Coordination during preparation by ART specialist managers 24/7 in a personal chat;
    • Donor selection, with photo and description of personality type;
    • Preparation of the uterus and endometrium for transfer;
    • Assistance in purchasing plane, train tickets, etc;
    • Logistics during the stay;
    • Accommodation;
    • Medical support from contract signing to the first ultrasound;
    • All embryological expenses;
    • Embryo transfer.


    Packages do not include:

    • Embryo examination (if necessary);
    • Double embryo transfer;
    • Innovative ART technologies.
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    business women

    WOMAN`S Health Program

    Medical services:

    • Doctors consultation (4)
    • Blood analysis (General blood test, Lipidogramm, Blood Biochemistry, Hormone profile, Infection profile)
    • Urine analysis
    • Ultrasound examinations
    • Liquid cytology PAP-test (technology SurePath BD), Femoflor Screen: Investigation of biocenosis of urogenital tract on 10 infections, PCR (scraping from the urethra, c / c, posterior lateral arch of the vagina), 3 days
    • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
    • Сolposcopy
    • Breast sonotomography (ABVS three-dimensional mammographic scan with a three-dimensional 3D reconstructed image of breast tissue in all projections and computer analysis)

    Non-medical services:

    • Translation
    • Coordination
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    WOMAN`S Health Advanced Program

    Medical services:

    • Doctors consultation (4)
    • Blood analysis (General blood test, Lipidogramm, Blood Biochemistry, Hormone profile, Infection profile)
    • Urine analysis
    • Ultrasound examinations
    • Liquid cytology PAP-test (technology SurePath BD), Femoflor Screen: Investigation of biocenosis of urogenital tract on 10 infections, PCR (scraping from the urethra, c / c, posterior lateral arch of the vagina), 3 days
    • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
    • Сolposcopy
    • Breast sonotomography (ABVS three-dimensional mammographic scan with a three-dimensional 3D reconstructed image of breast tissue in all projections and computer analysis)
    • Genetic Risk of Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Developing Package (BRCA1 2 polymorphisms, BRCA2 1 polymorphism, CHEK2 3 polymorphisms)

    Non-medical services:

    • Translation
    • Coordination
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    Hot offer
    IVF - ICSI


    Medical services:

    • Examination of man before IVF (karyotype cost is not included), if needed (Spermogramm; Blood group, Rh factor; Hepatitis B – HbsAg; Hepatitis C (HCV), Ig total; Treponema Рallidum, Ig total; HIV (screening test for antibodies to HIV by IFA); X-ray of thoracal cavity organs in direct projection)*available only if patients are coming to Ukraine
    • Cryopreservation of sperm (UNLIMITED)*available only if patients are coming to Ukraine
    • IVF+ICSI+ED with the medicines cost for Donor`s stimulation, without embryo transfer with the storage of embryos during 12 months
    • PGT (24 chromosomes) UNLIMITED (will be made by decision of the Medical Center)
    • Examination of Surrogate mother before IVF program according to locally approved MGC «Adonis» protocol (Surrogate mothers – if needed)
    • Cryoprogram, UNLIMITED (transfer of thawed embryos, cost of medicines for endometrium preparation included)
    • Prenatal care program “Expecting baby”
    • Medicines for SM`s pregnancy support (up to $1500)
    • SM`s delivery in a natural way, pregnancy with 1 fetus (The cost of delivery by cesarean section and / or twin delivery must be paid extra)
    • Interruption of nonprogressive and progressive abnormal uterine pregnancy in terms up to 12 weeks (with the cost of pathohistological examination) – one time if needed

    Non-medical services:

    • Biomaterial Transportation Coordination and Paperwork Completion
    • Selection of Egg Donor (UNLIMITED)
    • Selection of Surrogate Mother (UNLIMITED)
    • Surrogate mother’s stay in the Standard Room (up to 15 days)
    • Standard Compensation to Surrogate Mother (1 time): transport expenses, embryo transfer, 9-months compensation for a healthy diet and clothing, final compensation
    • Translation of Patients` documents for Medical Center (passports, marriage certificate medical documentation required to start the Program)
    • Legal services pre-birth (standard): development and signing of the agreement with the surrogate mother and all the agreements required for the program (including notary for one surrogate mother)
    • Legal services post-birth (one child registration; standard; urgent): legal services for scheduling and preparation of documents for standard registration of a child born as a result of the client’s participant in the SM program, included preparing documents for ONE embassy and Civil Registration Office, and accompany clients for post-birth vital meetings (i.e., birth certificate filing and receiving at the Civil Registration Office)
    • Program coordination and support (English) till pregnancy confirmation
    • Program coordination and support (English) pregnancy confirmation till baby exit.


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    75,430 $

    81,300 $

    IVF+EGG DONATION (2 attempts,all-inclusive)

    Package includes:

    • Analysis of patient history (the diagnostics department processes the patient’s medical records and assigns the necessary tests for further development of an individual treatment strategy);
    • Video call with a doctor after the history analysis, detailing the problems and their solutions, and preparation strategy for a positive HCG test;
    • Legal support during contract signing;
    • Coordination during preparation by ART specialist managers 24/7 in a personal chat;
    • Donor selection, with photo and description of personality type;
    • Preparation of the uterus and endometrium for transfer;
    • Assistance in purchasing plane, train tickets, etc;
    • Logistics during the stay;
    • Accommodation;
    • Medical support from contract signing to the first ultrasound;
    • All embryological expenses;
    • Embryo transfer.


    Packages do not include:

    • Embryo examination (if necessary);
    • Double embryo transfer;
    • Innovative ART technologies.
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    IVF+EGG DONATION (3 attempts,all-inclusive)

    Package includes:

    • Analysis of patient history (the diagnostics department processes the patient’s medical records and assigns the necessary tests for further development of an individual treatment strategy);
    • Video call with a doctor after the history analysis, detailing the problems and their solutions, and preparation strategy for a positive HCG test;
    • Legal support during contract signing;
    • Coordination during preparation by ART specialist managers 24/7 in a personal chat;
    • Donor selection, with photo and description of personality type;
    • Preparation of the uterus and endometrium for transfer;
    • Assistance in purchasing plane, train tickets, etc;
    • Logistics during the stay;
    • Accommodation;
    • Medical support from contract signing to the first ultrasound;
    • All embryological expenses;
    • Embryo transfer.


    Packages do not include:

    • Embryo examination (if necessary);
    • Double embryo transfer;
    • Innovative ART technologies.
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    IVF+EGG DONATION (5 attempts,all-inclusive)

    Package includes:

    • Analysis of patient history (the diagnostics department processes the patient’s medical records and assigns the necessary tests for further development of an individual treatment strategy);
    • Video call with a doctor after the history analysis, detailing the problems and their solutions, and preparation strategy for a positive HCG test;
    • Legal support during contract signing;
    • Coordination during preparation by ART specialist managers 24/7 in a personal chat;
    • Donor selection, with photo and description of personality type;
    • Preparation of the uterus and endometrium for transfer;
    • Assistance in purchasing plane, train tickets, etc;
    • Logistics during the stay;
    • Accommodation;
    • Medical support from contract signing to the first ultrasound;
    • All embryological expenses;
    • Embryo transfer.


    Packages do not include:

    • Embryo examination (if necessary);
    • Double embryo transfer;
    • Innovative ART technologies.
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    IVF+ICSI (1 attempt,all-inclusive)

    Package includes:

    • Analysis of patient history (the diagnostics department processes the patient’s medical records and assigns the necessary tests for further development of an individual treatment strategy);
    • Video call with a doctor after the history analysis, detailing the problems and their solutions, and preparation strategy for a positive HCG test;
    • Legal support during contract signing;
    • Coordination during preparation by ART specialist managers 24/7 in a personal chat;
    • Stimulation of the patient, ovarian puncture, cell preparation for ICSI;
    • ICSI;
    • Preparation of the uterus and endometrium for transfer;
    • Assistance in purchasing plane, train tickets, etc.;
    • Logistics during the stay;
    • Accommodation;
    • Medical support from contract signing to the first ultrasound;
    • All embryological expenses;
    • Embryo transfer.


    Package does not include:

    • Embryo examination (if necessary);
    • Double embryo transfer;
    • Innovative ART technologies.
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    IVF+ICSI (2 attempts,all-inclusive)

    Package includes:

    • Analysis of patient history (the diagnostics department processes the patient’s medical records and assigns the necessary tests for further development of an individual treatment strategy);
    • Video call with a doctor after the history analysis, detailing the problems and their solutions, and preparation strategy for a positive HCG test;
    • Legal support during contract signing;
    • Coordination during preparation by ART specialist managers 24/7 in a personal chat;
    • Stimulation of the patient, ovarian puncture, cell preparation for ICSI;
    • ICSI;
    • Preparation of the uterus and endometrium for transfer;
    • Assistance in purchasing plane, train tickets, etc.;
    • Logistics during the stay;
    • Accommodation;
    • Medical support from contract signing to the first ultrasound;
    • All embryological expenses;
    • Embryo transfer.


    Package does not include:

    • Embryo examination (if necessary);
    • Double embryo transfer;
    • Innovative ART technologies.
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    IVF+ICSI (5 attempts,all-inclusive)

    Package includes:

    • Analysis of patient history (the diagnostics department processes the patient’s medical records and assigns the necessary tests for further development of an individual treatment strategy);
    • Video call with a doctor after the history analysis, detailing the problems and their solutions, and preparation strategy for a positive HCG test;
    • Transition to egg donation (if necessary);
    • Legal support during contract signing;
    • Coordination during preparation by ART specialist managers 24/7 in a personal chat;
    • Stimulation of the patient, ovarian puncture, cell preparation for ICSI;
    • ICSI;
    • Preparation of the uterus and endometrium for transfer;
    • Assistance in purchasing plane, train tickets, etc.;
    • Logistics during the stay;
    • Accommodation;
    • Medical support from contract signing to the first ultrasound;
    • All embryological expenses;
    • Embryo transfer.


    Package does not include:

    • Embryo examination (if necessary);
    • Double embryo transfer;
    • Innovative ART technologies.
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