
What are the IVF options, what is their difference?

ADONIS Infertility treatment is ahead of its time. We provide the highest quality medical assistance for people who want to reach parental happiness but run into reproductive system problems and disorders.

ADONIS IVF Programs include a wide list of indications with high pregnancy rate and treatment success. Let’s come through the main advantages of our services and their well-formed fillings.

ADONIS IVF Programs variety

Fertility problems can differ greatly from couple to couple, that’s why we in ADONIS ensure the wide variety of IVF options to satisfy all requests. 

ADONIS IVF Programs include the following: 

  • IVF+Egg Donation (6 thawed eggs, 1 donor)
  • IVF+Egg Donation (3+3 thawed eggs, 2 donors)
  • IVF+ICSI with the medicines cost 
  • IVF+Cryopreservation of oocytes+ medicines cost
  • IVF+ICSI+ Eggs and Sperm donation  (6 “fresh” donor’s eggs)
  • IVF+ICSI+ Eggs and Sperm donation  (6 “thawed” donor’s eggs)
  • IVF+ICSI+ Sperm donation with the medicines cost 
  • IVF+ICSI+ Egg donation (thawed embryos)
  • IVF+ICSI+ Egg donation with the medicines cost 


ADONIS professional staff develop individual plans of treatment based on examination results, case history, personal intolerances, requests and wishes. 

Your safety is of the first priority, so every stage is controlled. 

ADONIS IVF Programs differ for Donor material usage (in case of infertility of one from the couple), “fresh” or “thawed” donor material (depends on preservation beforehand), quantity of donors and availability of medicines cost included into the Program. To choose the best option just for you, our experienced doctors provide consultation to clear everything out and select your treatment plan.

ADONIS own technological basis

IVF treatment is the complex process which requires special equipment and additional medical facilities of special-purpose. 

ADONIS Fertility clinics have their own technological basis to provide the highest quality services in one place under the concrete eye of professionals. 

All medical services are already included into the IVF Programs fillings:  

  • Genetic material donation (from the ADONIS own Donor base)
  • Cryopreservation and storage (ADONIS own Cryo bank)
  • Personal examination (ADONIS own laboratory) 
  • Embryo cultivation and transfer (ADONIS own embryo laboratory)
  • Ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy (ADONIS own laboratory)
  • Anesthesiologist consultation (with supply for intolerance)

Please, pay your special attention, that ADONIS IVF Programs filling can differ depending on your initial stage and chosen Program. 

Moreover, every patient is always surrounded with care and support from ADONIS staff. In addition to high quality medical services, every ADONIS IVF Program includes non-medical ones.

From the range of non-medical services we need to identify the following:

  • Oocytes or Sperm donor selection from ADONIS own Donor base of totally healthy candidates (based on patient’s personal requests – eye or hair color, genetic heritage, case history, etc.) 
  • Legal support (ADONIS own Legal Department ensure your safety in legal field)
  • Documents translation 
  • Individual coordination
  • Accommodation and transfer help
  • Free 2nd medical opinion 
  • Professional lead-up even after discharge

People from around the world come to Ukraine to experience the most technological IVF treatment in ADONIS. 


So come to see for yourself.

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