
3 surprising facts about surrogacy

surprising facts about surrogacy

One of the 3 surprising facts about surrogacy is:

Intended Parent Breastfeeding

Just because an Intended Mother will not carry her child does not mean she will not be able to breastfeed the baby.

If a woman wants to breastfeed her baby born via surrogacy, she should consult her OB/GYN. The doctor will be able to look for options and help the mother design a plan that works best for her.

This may include starting hormones months before the baby arrives. The hormones (usually some form of birth control) trick the body into thinking the woman is pregnant. At the designated time, the doctor will take the woman off the hormones and start her on other medications or herbal supplements to promote lactation.

The Intended Mother will need to begin pumping periodically to start her milk supply. It is not easy and may require supplemental feeding to fully nourish the baby.

There are also feeding systems that pump the newborn’s food through a small tube that can be attached to the parent’s nipple to mimic breastfeeding. In many instances, the surrogate mother might also agree to pump and send her breastmilk to the child for up to six weeks.

Whatever the details, if an Intended Parent is interested in breastfeeding her child it may be an option.

Surrogacy’s History Dates Back to the Bible

Surrogacy may be a modern term, but it has been around since biblical times. In the Old Testament, the story of Abraham and his wife, Sarah, documents the first traditional surrogacy.

Sarah and Abraham were not able to conceive a child, so Sarah offered her servant, Hagar, to her husband and asked him to conceive with Hagar. Hagar then gave Abraham a child that Sarah and Abraham raised as their own. The story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar is the earliest account of traditional surrogacy.

Post-Menopause Surrogacy

While the ideal surrogate candidate is between the ages 21 – 40, there have been instances where a woman over age 40 has carried a child.

In 2016, a 67-year-old woman gave birth to her granddaughter. Anastassia Ontou was heartbroken for her daughter, who suffered multiple failed attempts at pregnancy, and was eventually told she would never be able to carry a child. Ontou offered to be her daughter’s surrogate and successfully carried the child for 7.5 months. The baby girl was born via cesarean section weighing less than three pounds.

While Ontou might hold the record for the world’s oldest surrogate to date, there are other similar heroic tales. In Texas, a 53-year-old woman successfully carried and delivered her granddaughter after her daughter and son-in-law suffered several miscarriages and failed in-vitro attempts.

Surrogates in their 50’s and 60’s might not be ideal on paper but, surprisingly, they are not impossible!

Interested in learning more about surrogacy? Whether you’re interested in becoming a surrogate or Intended Parent, ADONIS managers are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the process. 

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    Hot offer
    IVF - ICSI


    Medical services:

    • Examination of man before IVF (karyotype cost is not included), if needed (Spermogramm; Blood group, Rh factor; Hepatitis B – HbsAg; Hepatitis C (HCV), Ig total; Treponema Рallidum, Ig total; HIV (screening test for antibodies to HIV by IFA); X-ray of thoracal cavity organs in direct projection)*available only if patients are coming to Ukraine
    • Cryopreservation of sperm (UNLIMITED)*available only if patients are coming to Ukraine
    • IVF+ICSI+ED with the medicines cost for Donor`s stimulation, without embryo transfer with the storage of embryos during 12 months
    • PGT (24 chromosomes) UNLIMITED (will be made by decision of the Medical Center)
    • Examination of Surrogate mother before IVF program according to locally approved MGC «Adonis» protocol (Surrogate mothers – if needed)
    • Cryoprogram, UNLIMITED (transfer of thawed embryos, cost of medicines for endometrium preparation included)
    • Prenatal care program “Expecting baby”
    • Medicines for SM`s pregnancy support (up to $1500)
    • SM`s delivery in a natural way, pregnancy with 1 fetus (The cost of delivery by cesarean section and / or twin delivery must be paid extra)
    • Interruption of nonprogressive and progressive abnormal uterine pregnancy in terms up to 12 weeks (with the cost of pathohistological examination) – one time if needed

    Non-medical services:

    • Biomaterial Transportation Coordination and Paperwork Completion
    • Selection of Egg Donor (UNLIMITED)
    • Selection of Surrogate Mother (UNLIMITED)
    • Surrogate mother’s stay in the Standard Room (up to 15 days)
    • Standard Compensation to Surrogate Mother (1 time): transport expenses, embryo transfer, 9-months compensation for a healthy diet and clothing, final compensation
    • Translation of Patients` documents for Medical Center (passports, marriage certificate medical documentation required to start the Program)
    • Legal services pre-birth (standard): development and signing of the agreement with the surrogate mother and all the agreements required for the program (including notary for one surrogate mother)
    • Legal services post-birth (one child registration; standard; urgent): legal services for scheduling and preparation of documents for standard registration of a child born as a result of the client’s participant in the SM program, included preparing documents for ONE embassy and Civil Registration Office, and accompany clients for post-birth vital meetings (i.e., birth certificate filing and receiving at the Civil Registration Office)
    • Program coordination and support (English) till pregnancy confirmation
    • Program coordination and support (English) pregnancy confirmation till baby exit.


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    75,430 $

    81,300 $


    Medical services:

    • Examination of man before IVF (karyotype cost is not included), if needed (Spermogramm; Blood group, Rh factor; Hepatitis B – HbsAg; Hepatitis C (HCV), Ig total; Treponema Рallidum, Ig total; HIV (screening test for antibodies to HIV by IFA); X-ray of thoracal cavity organs in direct projection)*available only if patients are coming to Ukraine
    • Cryopreservation of sperm (up to 2 times)*available only if patients are coming to Ukraine
    • IVF+ICSI+ED with the medicines cost for Donor`s stimulation, without embryo transfer with the storage of embryos during 12 months
    • PGT (24 chromosomes) up to 2 (will be made by decision of the Medical Center)
    • Examination of Surrogate mother before IVF program according to locally approved MGC «Adonis» protocol (Surrogate mothers – if needed)
    • Cryoprogram, up to 5 (transfer of thawed embryos, cost of medicines for endometrium preparation included)
    • Prenatal care program “Expecting baby”
    • Medicines for SM`s pregnancy support (up to $1500)
    • SM`s delivery in a natural way, pregnancy with 1 fetus (The cost of delivery by cesarean section and / or twin delivery must be paid extra)
    • Interruption of nonprogressive and progressive abnormal uterine pregnancy in terms up to 12 weeks (with the cost of pathohistological examination) – one time if needed

    Non-medical services:

    • Biomaterial Transportation Coordination and Paperwork Completion
    • Selection of Egg Donor (up to 2)
    • Selection of Surrogate Mother (up to 3)
    • Surrogate mother’s stay in the Standard Room (up to 15 days)
    • Standard Compensation to Surrogate Mother (1 time): transport expenses, embryo transfer, 9-months compensation for a healthy diet and clothing, final compensation
    • Translation of Patients` documents for Medical Center (passports, marriage certificate medical documentation required to start the Program)
    • Legal services pre-birth (standard): development and signing of the agreement with the surrogate mother and all the agreements required for the program (including notary for one surrogate mother)
    • Legal services post-birth (one child registration; standard; urgent): legal services for scheduling and preparation of documents for standard registration of a child born as a result of the client’s participant in the SM program, included preparing documents for ONE embassy and Civil Registration Office, and accompany clients for post-birth vital meetings (i.e., birth certificate filing and receiving at the Civil Registration Office)
    • Program coordination and support (English) till pregnancy confirmation
    • Program coordination and support (English) pregnancy confirmation till baby exit.
    read more

    64,900 $

    69,600 $
    special offer


    Medical services:

    • Examination of man before IVF (karyotype cost is not included), if needed (Spermogramm; Blood group, Rh factor; Hepatitis B – HbsAg; Hepatitis C (HCV), Ig total; Treponema Рallidum, Ig total; HIV (screening test for antibodies to HIV by IFA); X-ray of thoracal cavity organs in direct projection)*available only if patients are coming to Ukraine
    • Cryopreservation of sperm (up to 2 times)*available only if patients are coming to Ukraine
    • IVF+ICSI+ED with the medicines cost for Donor`s stimulation, without embryo transfer with the storage of embryos during 12 months
    • Examination of Surrogate mother before IVF program according to locally approved MGC «Adonis» protocol (Surrogate mothers – if needed)
    • Cryoprogram 1 (transfer of thawed embryos, cost of medicines for endometrium preparation included)
    • Prenatal care program “Expecting baby”
    • Medicines for SM`s pregnancy support (up to $1500)
    • SM`s delivery in a natural way, pregnancy with 1 fetus (The cost of delivery by cesarean section and / or twin delivery must be paid extra)

    Non-medical services:

    • Biomaterial Transportation Coordination and Paperwork Completion
    • Selection of Egg Donor (1)
    • Selection of Surrogate Mother (1)
    • Surrogate mother’s stay in the Standard Room (up to 15 days)
    • Standard Compensation to Surrogate Mother (1 time): transport expenses, embryo transfer, 9-months compensation for a healthy diet and clothing, final compensation
    • Translation of Patients` documents for Medical Center (passports, marriage certificate medical documentation required to start the Program)
    • Legal services pre-birth (standard): development and signing of the agreement with the surrogate mother and all the agreements required for the program (including notary for one surrogate mother)
    • Legal services post-birth (one child registration; standard; urgent): legal services for scheduling and preparation of documents for standard registration of a child born as a result of the client’s participant in the SM program, included preparing documents for ONE embassy and Civil Registration Office, and accompany clients for post-birth vital meetings (i.e., birth certificate filing and receiving at the Civil Registration Office)
    • Program coordination and support (English) till pregnancy confirmation
    • Program coordination and support (English) pregnancy confirmation till baby exit.
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    54,800 $

    60,000 $
    special offer

    SURROGACY (FET, embryos from another clinic)

    Medical services:

    • Testing and Examination of Surrogate Mother
    • Storage of embryos* (1 year)
      *ongoing cost $150 a year (cost is per bio-material cost.) Dispose of additional embryo at no additional charge per client’s request.
    • Cryoprogram  (embryo thawing, transfer of thawed embryos, doctor consultations, cost of medicines for endometrium preparation included)
    • Standard Prenatal program singleton pregnancy.
    • Medicines for SM`s pregnancy support (up to $1500)
    • SM`s delivery in a natural way, pregnancy with 1 fetus, standard pediatric care for up to first 3 days, premature birth included (The cost of delivery by cesarean section and/or twin delivery must be paid extra)

    Non-medical services:

    • Legal services pre-birth (standard): development and signing of the agreement with the surrogate mother and all the agreements required for the program (third party costs are not included)
    • Translation of Patient’s documents for Medical Center (passports, marriage certificate) and legalization of translation
    • Program coordination and support (English) till pregnancy confirmation
    • Surrogate Mother matching (taking into account Clients’ requirements)
    • Program coordination and support (English) pregnancy confirmation till baby delivery
    • Legal services post-birth (one child registration; standard; urgent): legal services for scheduling and preparation of documents for standard registration of child born as a result of the client’s participant in the SM program, included preparing documents for ONE embassy and Civil Registration Office, and accompany clients for post-birth vital meetings (i.e., birth certificate filing and receiving at the Civil Registration Office)
    • Coordination services post-birth.
    • Financial compensation to Surrogate mother for transportation expenses, for a healthy diet, and clothing for pregnant woman (paid in parts, monthly)
    • Final compensation to Surrogate mother (after delivery)
    read more

    43,840 $

    46,200 $


    Olha Tarasenko
    MD, Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Fertility Specialist
    MD, Andrologist, Sexologist, Urologist
    MD, PhD. Deputy Medical Director for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Obstetrician-Gynecologist

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