
COVID-19 travel update from March 22

ADONIS wants to update you about a 3-week lockdown in Kyiv that was introduced on March 22.

What does it mean for foreign travellers?

All ADONIS clinics will work without any changes, though with increased measures to prevent infection with Covid.

What will be temporarily closed:

◾️ cinemas, theatres, museums, concert halls;

◾️ mass entertainment events;

◾️ shopping centres;

◾️ cafes and restaurants, except for takeaway food.

Kyiv airports, as always, are open for international flights (a negative PCR test result is required when entering the country).

A negative PCR test for COVID-19 has been introduced for foreigners entering Ukraine. The PCR test must be performed no earlier than 72 hours before entering the country.

To prevent the spread of a negative COVID-19 test result in Ukraine by the PCR method, a study was allegedly not conducted 72 hours before crossing the state border. For countries of any zone (regardless of whether it is red or green).

The test is not required for children under 12 years.

After arriving in Ukraine, the test does not need to be taken again.

For foreign citizens there is no opportunity to pass the PCR test in Ukraine or to go to self-isolation. In the absence of a test and / or insurance policy at the state border crossing for entry or transit will be denied.

We remind you that we are taking all the necessary precautions to protect you against the coronavirus.

Stay safe!

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