
The Emotional Side of IVF and Surrogacy

On this week’s webinar, we want to let you know how to support yourself emotionally on your fertility journey.

Here are just some of the things we’ll be covering with Adonis Medical Group’s Leading OBGYN, Mariya Sokolova, M.D.:

1) Which vital questions you need to ask your OBGYN at the start of the pregnancy observation program.
2) What is included in the ART program (IVF or surrogacy).
3) How to maximize your benefit from the program.
4) The differences (if there are any) between standard pregnancy medical observation and surrogacy medical observation.
5) The impact of the emotional side of fertility treatment on the outcome of the program.
6) How surrogates are emotionally prepared for the demands of the program.
7) How to best prepare for in vitro fertilization.
8) How parents can support themselves (and their surrogate if they are pursuing surrogacy) throughout the program.
9) What the most important bonding phases and techniques are in surrogacy (especially for remote surrogacy).
10) The most important things to know before the delivery.
11) How long the recommended medical and emotional recovery period is between attempts and deliveries.

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See you on May 19, 2021 at 9 am PT | 10 am MT | 12 pm ET | 7 pm Kyiv

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