
Surrogate Delivery Process: What IPs Should Expect (Jul 14, 2021 )

We invite you for our next Hot Seat, we want to discuss with ADONIS’ Head of the Obstetric Hospital – Maryna Sazonova – one of the most important parts of the Surrogacy Program: Surrogate Delivery Process.With the proper delivery plan, both IPs and a surrogate should be 100 percent prepared for the steps ahead of them. But, as with any childbirth experience, there is always the potential for some unexpected developments when delivering a surrogate baby.To make the whole process maximally possible clear for you – we will consider the following questions:

1. How the decision about the type of expected delivery is made (natural delivery, c-section, term, any other specifications)?
2. What are the top 3 criteria for successful delivery?
3. How to build trust between the doctor and the pregnant woman?
4. What is the process of preparing a surrogate for delivery?
5. What is the role of IPs during delivery?
6. How the process looks for the baby right after the delivery and what are the standard newborn monitoring processes at the maternity hospital?
7. How the NICU for newborns looks like?
8. What are the warning/emergency signs that a surrogate or any pregnant woman must watch out for?
9. What’s considered a high-risk pregnancy for SM?
10. What kind of phycological support might be available to IPs and surrogate at a maternity hospital?

Please don’t forget to register:

Jul 14, 2021 10:00 AM in Mountain Time (US and Canada)

See you on Wednesday!

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