
Laser surgery in urology

The functioning of the modern urological department and the high level of service it provides is possible through, among other things, the use of modern laser techniques, which we use in ADONIS.

ADONIS urology specialists use laser surgery to treat patients with many urological pathologies and diseases. Laser surgery allows you to achieve recovery and rehabilitation of patients in the shortest possible time.

Laser surgery in urology



Advantages of laser surgery in urology

  • Normalization of blood supply to the prostate gland with an improvement in venous outflow, which helps to relieve inflammation
  • Increased tone of the muscles of the pelvis, prostate and perineum
  • Restoration of functions of affected organs, stimulation of tissue regeneration
  • Improving erectile function
  • Improved urination.

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    Laser technologies in surgery

    Today Smaxel laser therapy that is using by our doctors in ADONIS is one of the most modern, safe and effective in laser surgery. This exclusive technology was developed by the world’s leading manufacturer of laser medical equipment IDS and has no analogues to this day.

    Laser surgery is used in ADONIS for the following diseases:

    • Laser removal of scrotal atheroma
    • Laser cutting
    • Laser removal of the epididymis cyst
    • Laser resection of the urethral polyp
    • Laser plastic surgery of a short frenum
    • Laser treatment for hydrocele
    • Varicocele laser treatment
    • Laser coagulation of urinary bladder leukoplakia

    Laser uses a fine laser beam to minimize skin damage by heat lessening the recovery and rejuvenation period. Patients can lately come back to their normal daily activities soon after treatment.

    For this reason laser treatment is one of the most sought after solution in modern days.

    Fractional laser uses Co2 tube to improve treatment effects. The Co2 tube has a long product life and is stable with an advantage of precision in treatment.

    Treatment period can be lessened by adjustable scan- size and the beam density, which is beneficial both for the user and the patient.

    With competitive advantages in quality and price the product is the best choice for purchaser.

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