
Prenatal care mission: What? When? Where?

Pregnancy is a time of self and baby care. 

Being engaged into the all around care of a child, means to be involved into all processes from the very point of conceiving. Qualitative Prenatal care will definitely help in this matter. 

With this article we want to widely disclose the topic of Prenatal care and answer the required and essential question – When should Prenatal care begin and where to be processed? 

What are Prenatal care services?

Prenatal care is a well-developed pull of service aimed to get the basic information about pregnancy, learn from qualified health professionals about healthy behaviors during pregnancy, better understand warning signs during pregnancy and childbirth, receive social, emotional, and psychological support during challenging periods. And, of course, to monitor the health of future mothers and children.

ADONIS Fertility International, for example, provides additional benefits in terms of Prenatal care Programs, among which we can highlight the following:

  • Professional consultations from experienced doctors in various fields (obstetrician-gynecologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, dentist, etc.)
  • Targeted examinations in ADONIS own laboratory (Prenatal screening, ECG, Fetus ultrasound, Abdomen/Kidneys/Thyroid gland, Breast ultrasound, Doppler of utero-placental blood flow, Сolposcopy, etc.)
  • Maternity school (behavior during childbirth, baby care, breastfeeding, complementary feeding, etc.) 
  • Accommodation during observation in ADONIS 

Well-diagnosed women before and during the pregnancy period ensure perfect health for the future baby and prevent possible complications. 

When should Prenatal care begin?

When the fact of pregnancy is confirmed a woman must receive prenatal counseling (initial and constant) with a doctor’s referral. All depends on the needs of the woman and circumstances of the case history, but mainly pregnant women need to become registered and therefore start Prenatal care until about 9-10 weeks. 

If a woman has planned the first visit later than these terms, the doctor must ask the reasons for such an appeal to identify social, psychological or medical problems that need special attention.

The main checkpoints discussed during the first visit are the following: 

  • Patient’s case history (availability of health concerns at this point);
  • Medical and family anamnesis of both parents (indication in the medical documentation);
  • Serious mental illnesses availability or episodes of psychiatric treatment in the family;
  • Special social needs availability or belonging to risk groups (having bad habits, smoking, alcohol or drug abuse, etc.)

The main examinations assigned during the first visit are the following: 

  • Height, body weight measuring, the body mass index of a pregnant woman calculating
  • Blood group/Rh factor determination, general blood testing
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Targeted testing to determine protein and glucose availability in the urine
  • HIV/Syphilis/Hepatitis B testing
  • Examination for Thalassemia and Sickle cell Anemia

After the personal consultation, the doctor must assess the general state of the pregnant woman, evaluate the risks of developing preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, venous thromboembolism, and fetal growth retardation. Such a responsible approach to health will help the pregnant woman successfully go through the childbearing. 

ADONIS Fertility International provides only highly professional medical follow-up until the discharge (with monitoring even after that). The free second consultation will be a pleasant benefit. 

Where to start the Prenatal care Program?

The medical establishment that provides the Prenatal care Program must be reliable and time-tested. You need to totally trust the staff because your procreation and prosperity are entrusted to them. 

There are several tips for you:

  • Select the place with full cycle treatment process
  • Verify the professionalism and experience of doctors
  • Check the feedbacks from the patients 
  • Visit the medical establishment and get aсquainted with the staff
  • Get a familiarization tour to the rooms and medical premises
  • ompare prices and choose the best value for money
  • Choose the place where you feel comfortable

The proper Prenatal care helps to communicate with the woman, to discuss the changes in her body during pregnancy, and the development of the child. It provides informational support in such questions as what to expect in each trimester, what physical and emotional changes may appear in an organism. 

Prenatal care is a conductor to a happy baby birth without worries. 

If you want to get more about the Prenatal care Program get in touch with ADONIS managers via a special form on the website

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