
Microsclerotherapy (1 zone)

Microsclerotherapy is a technique used for the removal of surface and spider veins. Simple analgesia may be required. Larger veins may require strong compression for a little longer to help minimise this problem.  Patients usually need the repeat procedure with the 2-7 gaps between them. Most or all vessels treated during the course of microsclerotherapy might be removed.


green flower is the logo Indications for sclerotherapy:

  • telangiectasias
  • reticular veins
  • isolated varicosities
  • below-knee varicosities
  • recurrent varicosities

green flower is the logo  Contraindications for sclerotherapy:

  • allergy to sclerosant
  • bedridden patients
  • post-thrombotic syndrome
  • acute thrombophlebitis
  • uncontrolled malignancy
  • local or severe systemic infections



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    How is the microsclerotherapy procedure performed?

    The doctor will do the injections with a very fine needle of a sclerosing drug which irritates the lining of the veins causing the walls to stick together. Blood stops flowing through the veins, which are then absorbed by the body over a period of a few weeks. The blood is directed back to the deeper veins.

    When i can be back to my usual daily activities?

    It is possible to drive immediately after a treatment. Normal exercise can be resumed after 24 hours, including swimming. Air travel may be undertaken straight away but it is advisable to drink plenty of water and to wear class 2 medical compression stockings on journeys over four hours. As a general rule standing still should be avoided and feet kept elevated whilst sitting. Patients find that over time a few more thread veins may appear and it is common for an annual or bi-annual tidy-up visit.


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