Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty)
is a surgery aiming at increasing breast size. It involves placing breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles. Breast enlargement using implants is one of the most common plastic surgery operations.
Breast augmentation might help you to:
- Enhance your appearance if you think your breasts are too small or that one is smaller than the other
- Compensate for a reduction in the size of your breasts after pregnancy
- Correct uneven breasts after breast surgery for other conditions
- Improve your self-confidence.
You’ll consult with a plastic surgeon about your preferences for size, feel and appearance of your breasts. The surgeon will describe specific types of implants – smooth or textured, round or shaped like a teardrop – as well as options for surgical techniques.
Implant Placement
Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia and requires 1-3 hours to complete. The incision may be made in the crease under the breast (infra-mammary), around the areola or under the armpit.
After the incision is made, a pocket is created either over or under the muscle and the implant is placed in the pocket. Most augmentations are done under the muscle, but there are some indications for above the muscle.
Advantages of a submuscular implants:
– slightly lower risk of capsular scarring around the implant (hardening) that might occur with time;
– less rippling or palpability of the implant because it is placed beneath the breast and the muscle;
– mammograms are easier to perform and are easier to read (compared with subglandular implants).
Subglandular implants may be ideal for patients who are extremely athletic or are body builders, as these implants are less likely to distort or move during contraction of the muscle.
After mammology surgery
After the procedure, patients are advised on wound care, medication, suture removal and follow-up. Usually patients have to stay one night at the clinic. They can go back to their home country in 5-7 days after the surgery.
Soreness and swelling are likely for a few weeks after surgery. Bruising is possible, too. Physical activity will be limited for several weeks after the operation. Avoid strenuous activities – anything that could raise your pulse or blood pressure – for at least 2 weeks. Scars will remain firm and pink for about 6 weeks and then begin to fade over several months. You can return to your usual rhythm of life in 10-14 days, still you have to avoid physical activity for up 2 months.
While you’re healing, you also have to wear a compression bandage or sports bra for extra support and positioning of breast implants. Wearing compression garments and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations will make the rehabilitation period less painful.
Mammoplasty can change the size and shape of your breasts as well as improve your body image and self-esteem.
There is no specific formula used to achieve natural-looking breast correction results as every woman is different. Instead, doctors of ADONIS Beauty clinic will evaluate a variety of factors including your body type, the amount of natural breast tissue present and your desired final breast size in order to develop the right treatment plan for your unique situation.